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March is Workplace Eye Safety Awareness Month

The significance of utilizing ophthalmic ultrasonography in cases of workplace eye injuries cannot be overstated.

Ultrasonography provides the most detailed anatomical data regarding the condition of the posterior segment of the eye with the highest resolution.

Standard B-scan imaging allows visualization of both radiopaque and radiolucent intraocular foreign bodies, as well as pathological changes in the following structures:

* Vitreous body (opacities, hemorrhages, posterior vitreous detachment)

* Retina (detachments, tears)

* Choroid (serous choroidal detachment, suprachoroidal hemorrhage, ruptures)

* Sclera (ruptures)

 Advantages of ultrasound in eye trauma:

* Ability to obtain images of intraocular structures with higher resolution compared to CT and MRI.

* Acquisition of cross-sectional and radial images of the eye in real-time mode.

* Relative mobility of the equipment, allowing for quick imaging in clinical settings, at the patient's bedside, or in the operating room.


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